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  • Porsche MAF Sensor

    How to Deal With MAF Sensor Failure in Your Porsche

    No vehicle manufacturer is without its inherent quirks or flaws. One particular part that Porsche drivers need to be aware of is the MAF sensor, which can commonly develop flaws and failure during the lifespan of the car.

    The Purpose of the MAF Sensor

    The mass air flow sensor, or MAF sensor as it’s more commonly called, is a measuring tool used to record the amount of air that enters the engine’s combustion chamber. The MAF sensor measures the air through the use of a hot wire. Some models will use a cold wire instead. The amount of energy needed to keep the wire at the correct temperature vs. the ambient air tells the sensor the exact amount of air that is entering the car. The air is combined with the fuel inside for optimal combustion.

    The air and fuel inside the engine needs to be perfectly balanced to ensure it is fully and properly burned. This allows the engine to achieve its highest performance and maximum efficiency.

    Reasons for MAF Sensor Failure

    There are two simple reasons why the MAF sensor will fail. Either the sensor and its filter become contaminated and clogged by the dirt and dust sucked in with the air or the electronic components of the sensor develop faults. The first reason tends to be prevented through regularly-scheduled serving, while the latter can happen at any time and will need to be addressed as and when it happens.

    Signs of MAF Sensor Failure

    The MAF sensor is needed to ensure that your Porsche’s engine performs to the best of its ability. When it fails, you’ll likely notice a range of adverse symptoms start to appear. We’ve compiled a list of the most common below:

    Erratic Engine Function

    When the MAF sensor fails, the engine is no longer receiving the perfect ratio of air and fuel to combust correctly. This will lead to lowered performance most keenly noticed when idling.

    Lowered Fuel Efficiency

    To get the most distance out of each gallon of fuel, all facets of your Porsche need to be working correctly from tires to fuel injectors and, of course, the MAF sensor. When it fails, the MAF sensor leaves the engine without the precise information it needs, and you can expect fuel to be wasted.

    Jerky Acceleration

    Acceleration requires your engine to provide power. To do this, it needs to be able to combust correctly. When the MAF sensor fails, the acceleration of your Porsche will likely feel jerky because the fuel and air ratio is off balance, causing poorly-executed combustion.

    Illumination of Engine Management Light

    The EML or check engine light illuminates when your Porsche’s onboard computer detects problems with the engine. This light can turn on for many reasons, but it is worth noting that MAF sensor failure can cause this warning indicator to illuminate.

    Engine Stalls/Misfires

    When the air/fuel ratio in your Porsche’s engine is imbalanced, the risk of stalling and misfires increases because the likelihood of correct combustion is greatly reduced.

    Dealing with MAF Sensor Failure

    Depending on what has caused your MAF sensor to fail will depend on the method of remediation. In the case of a dirty or clogged MAF sensor, light cleaning may be all that is needed to resolve the situation. You may also need to swap out the air filter at this time.

    If the cause is electronic or if cleaning doesn’t help the problem, then the only way to fix things is to have the MAF sensor replaced, which your mechanic will be able to perform.

    Porsche MAF Sensor Check

    It is possible to replace the sensor at home if you are mechanically minded, but proceed with caution. If you’re not sure of your mechanical skills, don’t attempt repairs yourself, as you can waste your time and end up costing yourself more money than if you brought your Porsche into an expert shop for proper diagnosis and repair.

    If you’re a driver of Dallas, Garland, Arlington, or Fort Worth, TX, Euro Automotive can help you resolve your Porsche’s MAF sensor issues. We’re also on hand to help with any of your other automotive concerns too. Call our customer service team to find out more.

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