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  • Spare Parts of Jaguar

    Distinguishing a Reproduction from an Original Jaguar Part

    Any luxury car brand, especially Jaguar, is deserving of an owner who cares about the maintenance of such a magnificent vehicle. Most car buyers or enthusiasts will know at least a thing or two about the quality of the parts that are used for repairs and replacements on these vehicles. However, not all of us know when a car part has been replaced with a reproduction part or an original part. Although the difference is difficult to see to an untrained professional, there are some distinguishable characteristics that vary between reproduction Jaguar parts and original Jaguar parts that can be helpful to know, especially if this is your first high-performance car. Taking care of your vehicle and treating it with integrity comes with the territory of owning a luxury car such as a Jaguar. Using only the best parts available will not only honor the history of the Jaguar brand, but will also extend the life and quality of your car for years to come. It is important to be knowledgeable about car parts in order to be sure that expensive repair shops don’t swindle you. So here are just a few simple tips about Jaguar parts, and ways to distinguish between an original Jaguar car part and a reproduction Jaguar part.

    Buy parts from OEM

    Buying a part from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) will always be the most ideal solution to a replacement need; these parts are designed specifically for the car brand itself. Compared to many other luxury car brands, Jaguar parts are not astronomically expensive. However, with the more rare or classic models it can get incredibly pricey, and it is difficult to find replacement parts that are original. Now, you might be saying, “I can’t afford to spend money on original car parts for my 1969 Jaguar!” but before you panic, you should know that reproduction parts are not always the enemy. Although, it is worth noting, that if you so ever choose to re-sell your Jaguar, you should disclose that the replacement parts are reproduced, not from the OEM, and this may drag down the price you will get for it, as may enthusiasts prefer original parts.

    Reproduction parts are not that bad

    This is not to say that you and your car are doomed if you purchase reproduction parts. Many reproduction parts are extremely difficult to tell apart from the originals and do a fine job functioning as such. The OEM does not manufacture the reproduction car parts, and therefore, they are generally cheaper than the originals. While they are more affordable, unfortunately this means that sometimes the quality is not as great. Another drawback is that in the instance of a car accident, most warrantees do not cover reproduction parts. If you are unsure of whether or not the part used as a replacement on your vehicle is a reproduction or an original, you can look at the distinct markings and serial numbers on it, or bring it to a professional to inquire. This number can then be verified with the original equipment manufacturer.

    Compare the quality and function

    When taking on a restoration project, especially with Jaguar, original parts can become extremely expensive, and possibly not worthy of investing the funds. Luckily, reproduction parts are becoming more and more popular—making the demand for quality reproduction parts even higher. You can check with the retailer of the reproduction part to find out more about the process and materials used to manufacture the parts and compare the quality and function of the parts with the originals. Depending on your set of priorities with your beloved Jaguar, reproduction parts are sometimes the only option; they have the potential to offer the same benefits of the original part at a significantly lower price, assuming they resemble the OEM parts.

    Reproduction Car Parts

    Last words

    Most reproduction parts are manufactured by a set of standards and requirements that match the OEM’s same standards. Depending on the quality of the reproduction, you may go through the entire life of the car unable to distinguish whether or not it is original. This is generally indicative of a good quality replacement part. On the flip side, reproduction parts can sometimes actually be more expensive than originals due to the need for mass production and replication on a larger scale—especially if you find used original parts instead of new originals. In any case, it is important to do your research comparing prices and quality of parts before you slap any old replacement on your precious Jaguar. OEM parts will always be the most desirable, especially for luxury performance vehicles.

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