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  • BMW E39 520i

    Failing BMW Instrument Cluster Pixels

    BMWs, like other luxury vehicles, are designed with expertise down to every detail, including the instrument cluster on the dashboard. So, failing pixels on the instrument cluster are an unsightly problem that can make your BMW look less appealing. In the worst case, it may look like you don’t care about the interior of your vehicle, so the best thing to do in this situation is to take your BMW to an experienced professional in order to have the issue taken care of.

    It can be very expensive to replace the entire instrument cluster unit, so make sure that you’re aware of simpler, less expensive solutions that a professional service center can provide. In this article, we’ll go over some facts about pixel failure in BMWs, common causes of pixel failure, and a way to fix this issue without replacing the entire instrument cluster unit.

    What Causes Instrument Cluster Pixel Failure?

    Unfortunately, BMW models ranging from the mid-1980s to the early 2000s commonly experience problems with the instrument cluster pixels. The problems range from fading and disappearing pixels on the instrument cluster to pixels failing completely and dying. This is a troubling issue because important information like mileage is displayed by these pixels, and if the pixels are faded or dead it makes important data hard to read or understand. There are several factors that can cause problems with the instrument cluster pixels, but the main problem usually stems from a problem with the ribbon cable that connects the display to the instrument cluster and its circuit board. The problem can also stem from faulty or damaged LED lights.

    Failing Ribbon Cable

    The ribbon cable connecting the LCD display to the circuit board can fail for a number of reasons. The most common reasons for ribbon cable failure are related to faulty wiring, damage to the cable, and issues with the voltage regulator. Sometimes, the instrument cluster circuit board is what is actually causing the connection issue due to a blown fuse or defect. But more often than not, the ribbon cable has failed due to damage or wiring issues.

    Damaged LED Lights

    If you’re experiencing problems with the illumination of the instrument cluster in your BMW, the cause may be faulty or damaged LED lights within the display. It can be difficult to diagnose this issue without the expertise of a mechanic, but if the display on your instrument cluster is dull, dim, or completely dead, it may be due to damaged, burnt-out, or faulty LED lights within the display. Replacing LED lights within the display is a simple fix for someone with extensive knowledge of BWM wiring and hardware.

    Solving The Problem

    It’s difficult to determine the cause of failing instrument cluster pixels in your BMW, so the best course of action is to bring your vehicle to a qualified expert that can fix it without costing you a fortune. Instead of repairing or completely replacing the instrument cluster, have the specialist working with your BMW replace the ribbon cable and LCD display. If needed, replace any burned out LED bulbs. This method is much more efficient than complete replacement.

    Failing pixels within the instrument cluster of your BMW can be a frustrating problem to deal with. We understand the importance of keeping your vehicle is the best possible condition, and have years of experience with BMW models that have failing instrument cluster pixels.

    BMW 5-series (G30)

    The team at Euro Automotive has years of experience providing the highest quality of service for European makes. We understand the importance of having a vehicle that performs well, which is why we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and honesty. Our commitment to stellar customer service has impressed European car owners all over Texas, with many of our clients coming from Dallas, Garland, Arlington, and Fort Worth. We believe in providing the highest quality of service and repair to all of our clients, and we do everything we can to ensure your vehicle is running smoothly.

    Our specialists are the most qualified in the area, so if you’d like to build a business relationship with our experts please call us. If you’ve noticed failing instrument cluster pixels in your BMW, reach out to our team of experts to get the problem solved right away.

    * BMW E39 520i image credit goes to: DarthArt.

    * BMW 5-series (G30) image credit goes to: y_carfan.

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